在本教程中,我们将使用 80 行 JavaScript 代码在浏览器中构建一个虚拟助理(如 Siri 或 Google 助理)。你可以在这里测试这款应用程序,它将会听取用户的语音命令,然后用合成语音进行回复。
Google Chrome (版本 25 以上)
由于 Web Speech API 仍处于试验阶段,该应用程序只能在受支持的浏览器上运行:Chrome(版本 25 以上)和 Edge(版本 79 以上)。
要构建这个 Web 应用程序,我们需要实现四个组件:
第一步就是创建一个简单的用户界面,它包含一个按钮用来触发助理,一个用于显示用户命令和助理响应的 div
、一个用于显示处理信息的 p
const startBtn = document.createElement("button"); startBtn.innerHTML = "Start listening"; const result = document.createElement("div"); const processing = document.createElement("p"); document.write("<body><h1>My Siri</h1><p>Give it a try with 'hello', 'how are you', 'what's your name', 'what time is it', 'stop', ... </p></body>"); document.body.append(startBtn); document.body.append(result); document.body.append(processing);
我们需要构建一个组件来捕获语音命令并将其转换为文本,以进行进一步处理。在本教程中,我们使用 Web Speech API 的 SpeechRecognition
。由于这个 API 只能在受支持的浏览器中使用,我们将显示警告信息并阻止用户在不受支持的浏览器中看到 Start 按钮。
const SpeechRecognition = window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition; if (typeof SpeechRecognition === "undefined") { startBtn.remove(); result.innerHTML = "<b>Browser does not support Speech API. Please download latest chrome.<b>"; }
我们需要创建一个 SpeechRecognition
的实例,可以设置一组各种属性来定制语音识别。在这个应用程序中,我们将 continuous
和 interimResults
设置为 true
const recognition = new SpeechRecognition(); recognition.continuous = true; recognition.interimResults = true;
我们添加一个句柄来处理来自语音 API 的 onresult
事件。在这个处理程序中,我们以文本形式显示用户的语音命令,并调用函数 process
来执行操作。这个 process
function process(speech_text) { return "...."; } recognition.onresult = event => { const last = event.results.length - 1; const res = event.results[last]; const text = res[0].transcript; if (res.isFinal) { processing.innerHTML = "processing ...."; const response = process(text); const p = document.createElement("p"); p.innerHTML = `You said: ${text} </br>Siri said: ${response}`; processing.innerHTML = ""; result.appendChild(p); // add text to speech later } else { processing.innerHTML = `listening: ${text}`; } }
我们还需要将 用户界面的 button
与 recognition
对象链接起来,以启动 / 停止语音识别。
let listening = false; toggleBtn = () => { if (listening) { recognition.stop(); startBtn.textContent = "Start listening"; } else { recognition.start(); startBtn.textContent = "Stop listening"; } listening = !listening; }; startBtn.addEventListener("click", toggleBtn);
”、“what's your name?
”、“how are you?
”听取或打开一个新的标签页来搜索它不能回答的问题。你可以通过使用一些 AI 库进一步扩展这个 process
function process(rawText) { // remove space and lowercase text let text = rawText.replace(/\s/g, ""); text = text.toLowerCase(); let response = null; switch(text) { case "hello": response = "hi, how are you doing?"; break; case "what'syourname": response = "My name's Siri."; break; case "howareyou": response = "I'm good."; break; case "whattimeisit": response = new Date().toLocaleTimeString(); break; case "stop": response = "Bye!!"; toggleBtn(); // stop listening } if (!response) { window.open(`http://google.com/search?q=${rawText.replace("search", "")}`, "_blank"); return "I found some information for " + rawText; } return response; }
在最后一步中,我们使用 Web Speech API 的 speechSynthesis
控制器为我们的助理提供语音。这个 API 简单明了。
就是这样!我们只用了 80 行代码就有了一个很酷的助理。程序的演示可以在这里找到。
// UI comp const startBtn = document.createElement("button"); startBtn.innerHTML = "Start listening"; const result = document.createElement("div"); const processing = document.createElement("p"); document.write("<body><h1>My Siri</h1><p>Give it a try with 'hello', 'how are you', 'what's your name', 'what time is it', 'stop', ... </p></body>"); document.body.append(startBtn); document.body.append(result); document.body.append(processing); // speech to text const SpeechRecognition = window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition; let toggleBtn = null; if (typeof SpeechRecognition === "undefined") { startBtn.remove(); result.innerHTML = "<b>Browser does not support Speech API. Please download latest chrome.<b>"; } else { const recognition = new SpeechRecognition(); recognition.continuous = true; recognition.interimResults = true; recognition.onresult = event => { const last = event.results.length - 1; const res = event.results[last]; const text = res[0].transcript; if (res.isFinal) { processing.innerHTML = "processing ...."; const response = process(text); const p = document.createElement("p"); p.innerHTML = `You said: ${text} </br>Siri said: ${response}`; processing.innerHTML = ""; result.appendChild(p); // text to speech speechSynthesis.speak(new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(response)); } else { processing.innerHTML = `listening: ${text}`; } } let listening = false; toggleBtn = () => { if (listening) { recognition.stop(); startBtn.textContent = "Start listening"; } else { recognition.start(); startBtn.textContent = "Stop listening"; } listening = !listening; }; startBtn.addEventListener("click", toggleBtn); } // processor function process(rawText) { let text = rawText.replace(/\s/g, ""); text = text.toLowerCase(); let response = null; switch(text) { case "hello": response = "hi, how are you doing?"; break; case "what'syourname": response = "My name's Siri."; break; case "howareyou": response = "I'm good."; break; case "whattimeisit": response = new Date().toLocaleTimeString(); break; case "stop": response = "Bye!!"; toggleBtn(); } if (!response) { window.open(`http://google.com/search?q=${rawText.replace("search", "")}`, "_blank"); return `I found some information for ${rawText}`; } return response; } × Drag and Drop The image will be downloaded
Tuan Nhu Dinh,Facebook 软件工程师。